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مجموعه سورس برنامه های معروف دنیا

این سورس ها به زبان vb6 می باشند

Anti Viruses & Firewalls:
- Advanced Firewall
- Anti Trojan
- Antivirus
- BG Antivirus
- FTP API Update
- Simulanics AV
- vn Antivirus

- d3xter's Downloader
- Downloader Example
- Fast Downloader

Host Booters:
- BBO v2
- BioZombie
- Epidemic DDoSER
- GB v3
- Metus v1.7
- Metus v2.0
- Mini DoS
- SCB Lab's Botnet
- Zombie Slayer V1

- 539 IRC Bot
- dexbot
- Fudsonly Botnet Plus Version 1.0
- vBot

- Digital Keylogger v2
- Digital Keylogger v3
- JackoLogger v2.0
- Keylogger
- Yahoo Keylogger

Mess Tools:
- Anonymous E-Mail Sender with attachments
- Yahoo Answer
- Azarie
- Mod MSN
- MSN Status Changer
- MSN Password Stealer
- Multi Messenger
- Yahoo Manager
- Yahoo Member Search
- Yahoo ID Deleter
- Yahoo ID Creator
- Yahoo ID Locker
- Other Yahoo Source Codes

RATs (Remote Administrative Tools):
- Aqua
- Black Dream
- Diamond Wireless Remote Admin
- Dis Magoor 1.0.0
- DSK v1
- Egypt
- G-Hack
- GoodLuck 3.0 FULL
- Handle-X RAT
- Intruder
- Messiah V2.0
- Minimo
- Net Trash
- Network Spy
- Nirvana
- Omega v1.1
- OpenDC Beta
- Rage 1.0
- Revenger
- Sequel
- ShareADD
- Shark V2.1 RAT
- Shell
- Simplu
- Ullysse
- Ultra Spy
- Unexplained 1.0
- YellowKoza - LAN&Internet Trojan
- YuDeePee RAT

- Basic Stealer
- Chrome Stealer
- En/Decrypt AIM Passes
- FireFox 3.5.x
- FireFox Stealer Source
- Firefox Password Recovery
- FireSteal
- Get Pidgin
- ICQ 6+7 Password Stealer
- Mozilla Firefox Password Stealer
- MSN Password Stealer
- MSN Password Recovery
- NO-IP Stealer
- Stealer by mar
- Super Stealer
- USB Stealer v1.0
- Windows CD Key Stealer
- Zero Stealer

- Rainerstoff 3.2b
- Fly Crypter v2d + USG 0.3
- Azarel Binder
- Biohazard Binder
- bl0b Binder + USG
- bl0b Protector v1
- Cyber Crypt 7
- Devil Binder 1.0
- Dynasty Crypter + USG
- Easy Bind
- Exe Binder
- EXE Protection Software
- Extra Element Crypter
- FuzzBuzz Crypter
- Half-Polymorph Crypter
- Hao Crypter
- Incrypter Private
- NRG Binder
- Protect Process
- Rainerstoff
- Relapse Private Crypter
- SCB Lab Malware Tool
- SHNI Joiner Source
- SkullByte Crypter
- VB Undetector
- White Crypt
- P-Obfucator 1.1
- Source Undetector 2.5

- DLL Exe Icon Viewer
- Full MP3 Player
- App Restarter
- Assembler
- Bandwidth Killer
- Basic ***** Tool
- Capture Screen
- CD Info
- Change Icon
- Icon Change
- Change Startup
- Change Internet Explorer Name
- Clone File Information
- CMD Source
- Compare Files
- Compress
- Compression
- Cool Multi-Tab Browser
- CS Internet Tools
- CS Translator (Counter Strike)
- CyberCafe Timer
- DDoS Source
- Deep Freeze Password Remover
- Disable Task Manager and Others
- DLL Register
- Drag & Drop
- Drive Info
- Encrypt Algorithms
- EOF Packer
- File Spliter
- File Version Info
- Get and Put in FTP
- Get IP
- Hardware ID Anti-Crack
- Hash Tables
- iCam v1.0
- Icon Viewer
- Icon Changer
- Icon Changing
- IP Locator
- IP + DHCP Statistics
- IP and Username
- Junk Code Generator
- Kill Switch
- Melt
- Melt and Install
- MP3 Player
- MSN Freezer Live
- Port Scanner
- Process Hide
- Process Hide Other
- Process Injection
- Process viewer
- Remote File Manager
- Remote Webcam Capture
- RS Account Checker
- Socks4 Example
- Socs5
- Sub7 Startup Method
- USB Spread
- Unique RunPE Maker v1.0
- USB Detection
- Vampire Worm
- VB Compiler
- VB Crypto
- Webcam Capture
- WinBig
- YouTube Bot v1.1.3


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