خسته نباشید.
آیدی من دی اکتیو شده. از دوستان کسی میتونه کمک کنه ؟
ID: vpn1.vpn1@yahoo.com
tarikhe deac: 1/04/2013
متنی که وقتی داخل ایمیل میروم.
Yahoo! Account Deactivated
Yahoo! account deactivated
You no longer have access to any Yahoo! services because your Yahoo! account vpn1.vpn1@yahoo.com has been deactivated due to violation of the Yahoo! Terms of Service or other Yahoo! policies.
خسته نباشید.
آیدی من دی اکتیو شده. از دوستان کسی میتونه کمک کنه ؟
ID: vpn1.vpn1@yahoo.com
tarikhe deac: 1/04/2013
متنی که وقتی داخل ایمیل میروم.
Yahoo! Account Deactivated
Yahoo! account deactivated
You no longer have access to any Yahoo! services because your Yahoo! account vpn1.vpn1@yahoo.com has been deactivated due to violation of the Yahoo! Terms of Service or other Yahoo! policies.